A major task Does the thought of having to painstakingly clean each and every interior…

Cleaning the inside of our houses comes naturally to most people but there seems to be some ambivalence towards cleaning the outside of the house, like the roof or the windows.
Some people leave the outside of the house for professional cleaners to take care of. Some people, though would opt to do it for themselves. What would be the three main reasons why you should clean your windows yourself.
First, you don’t get charged for your own labor and so you save on cost but you drastically increase personal risk particularly if you have to climb a ladder.
Most homeowners have just the easy one level ranch to do and all it needs is a 7-foot ladder but a lot of times you add 2 or even 3 stories to your home. So you are looking at an upfront cost right there just to be able to reach your windows, to clean them if you want to do them on the outside. That’s at least $200 to $400 for the cost of the ladder, not including the cost of the squeegees, buckets and anything else you might need for that as well.
Another one is, if you have your own insurance and you happen to fall off the ladder and wind up in the hospital, you are covered! The downside to that is that your premiums go up, as well as you being injured.
Lastly, we think that most of us take pride in what we do and you can take pride if you clean your own windows.
So when you are doing any new service or anything that needs to get done with your home, just think that window cleaning really is like a skill. It is almost like an art form. There are a lot of videos you can go out there and see and try to learn to accomplish it by yourself, especially if you have got the equipment like the ladders and the like. You can definitely go to bed that night with a great sense of pride that you have learned at least the beginnings of a new skill and can continue to work on that as you go throughout the years.
To recap, if you want to clean your windows, great, but we do highly recommend using professionals, with zero risks to you and quality cleaning job for your windows.